free palestine
latest news: @fairuzfan on tumblr's neocities

Hiya this is fairuzfan aka Med from tumblr.

I'm a Palestinian living on Turtle Island and I like to talk about Palestine. I answer questions about Palestinian culture+information.

I wanted to make a neocities to have a backup place in case something happens to my tumblr. I wrote some answers I really liked so I want to keep them.

If you want to ask me a question, my email for this account is

How To Navigate

The page you're currently on is the main page. I used a template from awhe and didn't change it much because I am lazy.

The links on the side bar go to various topics to learn or donate or interact with. The primary purpose of this site is to provide an avenue for people to engage with Palestinian culture and education.

My icon is Yuji Itadori with a Keffiyeh. Holds him softly.

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